Self-Exclusion Lists Serve to Exclude Public Scrutiny of the Casino Business Model

Self-exclusion lists are another public relations ploy by predatory gambling interests to create a public impression they are care about the addicts they create and exploit. Because these out-of-control gamblers are so lucrative, it can be hard for casinos to pull themselves off of them. Mt. Airy Casino in Pennsylvania was the latest casino to get caught when it sent six targeted mailings over the course of 2 months to a gambling addict on the state’s self-exclusion list. In addition, the casino allowed other addicts on the self-exclusion list to gamble at the casino and even cash checks there on five separate occasions.

Self-Exclusion List Violations Lead to $40,000 Fine for Pennsylvania Casino

CkirbySelf-Exclusion Lists Serve to Exclude Public Scrutiny of the Casino Business Model